Over the past few years, I have become aware of the spread of heretical ideas from the mouth of one Martin Luther. His blasphemous words contain many false truths. Martin Luther is of the opinion that the selling of Indulgences is fraud and that, only faith is required for one to be saved from their sins. He has made the following points in his theses about this issue.

-"Indulgences are pious frauds of the faithful "
-"Indulgences do not avail those who really gain them for the remission of the penalty due to actual sin in the sight of God's justice."

These are all heretical untruths. You should stay true to your faith, your religion and your God, and not be swayed by such uncalled for revolutionary ideas from the mouth of the devils servant.

As Catholics. We believe that having faith in God is necessary to be saved, but this does not come far enough. Pennance is also required; good deeds for charity, to prove your repentance. We also believe that "works of mercy and charity, as well as prayer and the various practices of penance, will put off completely the 'old man' and to put on the 'new man'

Pope Leo X

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