After twenty-five years of constant council meetings in the city of Trentino, it’s good to reflect on what has been achieved in this time. A reason this council was sparked was because of reformers, like Martin Luther, ideas on reformation and abuses. It turns out many Catholics were very dissatisfied with practises of the Church, and some abuses of the faith had be committed. This council spent much time amending and apologising for abuses, to make people more happy with the morals, values and practises of the Roman Catholic Church.

You may not have been able to recognise any changes in the Church, but many small ammendments to Church law were made to make some issues of concern fairer. Its time to reflect on the changes of the Church over the past 25 years.

~ Priests, Cardinals and Bishops will not be chosen to govern the parish, monastery or church unless they are old enough, born of lawful wedlock, possess integrity and values and have the correct knowledge for their role. Previously Catholics complained that their preists were not worthy of their roles for lacking certain qualities for of a Preist, Cardinal or Bishop, would be expected and necessary.

~A Priest, Cardinal or Bishop can only hold one parish, monastery or Church, which he will be fortunate for ruling only one and will put his efforts into the salvation of those in the parish. Many Catholics were disappointed by how their local preist was the priest of several other parishes into where he put more effort, residence and preferance. Also priests like these taxed all their parishes gaining an unfair income.

~Bishops can only ordain priests in their own dioceses.
Some Catholics felt that Bishops from other dioseces did not know the subject being ordained and therefore couldnt judge their character effectivley.

~The Bishop has the power to remove people from their roles if he found them to incompetent. This rule was suggested by the Bishops as they witnessed that they had no power to remove incompetent people from their roles.

~ Severe p
enalties waits for clerics who don’t wear appropriate clothing for their duties. Some people notices that preists and clerics wore inappropriate clothing for the religious work they did. This rule was quickly passed.

~Priests are now unable to edit or alter the last testaments of those passed. Some Catholics found out thats local priests had been changing the wills of dead parishioners so they gifted a majority of their estate to the Parish. The Cardinals at the council of Trent felt this was a very worthwhile ammendment, not only on principles, but morals and Catholic values as well.

~Bishops are now only able to send orders in person. People were sick of recieveing orders from Bishops via mail, It was emphasized, that Bishops should travel their diosece and be one with the people.

~A seminary is to be set up in every diocese. Some Priests were very uneducated and therefore incompetant. It was suggested that a seminary be opened in every diocese to train and tutor the priests

~The sacraments are to be fully explained to the congregation before they are worthy to receive them. Previously Catholics felt that having the sacraments explained was a very important part of the mass where they remembered the initial purpose for the Sacraments.

All these laws have been accepted and put into place for the benefits of Catholics everywhere. The Council of Trent has been very successful, many ammendments have been made making the Church alot more just.

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