Freak Storm hits Saxony
7th of July 1505

A massive thunderstom hit the area of Saxony last week on the 2nd of July 1505, and caused absolute havoc. The flying debris killed a 8 year old boy and left more than 50 homes in ruin in the area.Trees were pushed over and many houses lost their roofs. Residents took advantage of the incredible lightening display it gave up, by watching through their windows, however for those travelling, the experience was most traumatic.

Martin Luther of Eisleben was travelling on horseback when the storm blew up.
"A bolt of lightening nearly hit me when I was on my horse going back to the university. I was terrified for my life. I started worrying about life after death. I strictly remember calling to the sky, Help me! Saint Anna, I will become a monk! She delivered me alive so I will stick by my vow."

The storm travelled for 108 miles before dissolving and wind speeds reached a massive 140 kmph. This storm is the worst to hit Saxony since the "terror winds" in 1472. All that can be done is to recover and repair says local elder Ludwig, "I have witnessed many storms over my years but none as dangerous as the one I witnessed last week, It was terrifying."

The local school in Erfurt has been severly damaged also the town hall in Mansfeild. Citezins are encouraged to take part in the rebuilding of these public areas by coming along to the repair working bee, this coming Sunday afternoon.

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