Crowds Outraged; Martin Luthers fiery temper

Today crowds were shocked as well known religious rebel Martin Luther stormed into the town square, and with the support of the jeering crowds set fire to the Papal Bull claiming him to be heretical. Recently Luther was reported by many people to have nailed a list of 95 theses on the door of his local church for discusssion, in response to action, Pope Leo X sent Martin Luther a Papal Bull named; Exsurge Domine, explaining to him that 42 of his statements deemed him a heretic, and unless he took them back, he was open to excommunication.

Martin Luther boldly took his Papal Bull into town and publically set it alight to make the point to Pope Leo X, that he believed and stuck by his theses. News is just in that since this incident Luther has recieved another Papal Bull proving him excommunicate in the Catholic Church for heretical and blasphemous ideas.

Mavis Huborg of Saxony was in town at the time of this event and comments that "Mr Luther, strode into the middle of the square, jumped up onto a group of boxes and beconed the crowd around him. After a few minutes a large number of people had gathered, he was talking to those nearest him and then he simply reached into his pocket, lit up a match and set a scrap of yellowed parchment on fire!"

The Olden Times is following this story very closely and will keep you updated.

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