TimeLine of the Council of Trent

21 May 1542- Pope sends out Papal Bull to suggest the Council of Trent

December 1545- Session 1 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul the III
This meeting of the council just welcomes and explains the works of the council.

January 1546- Session 2 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
In this meeting the Pope explains the pupose of the council and matters to be discussed.

February 1546- Session 3 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
In this meeting the Symbol of Faith was discussed and clarified.

April 1546- Session 4 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
In this council the delegation are encouraged to discuss Canonical Scripture.

June 1546- Session 5 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
The concil discussed and clarifies original sin.

January1547- Session 6 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
The council discusses and clarifies Justification.

March 1547- Session 7 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
The council discussed the validity of the sacraments and laws of preists and ministers.

March 1547- Session 8 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
The council translated the sessions so far.

April 1547- Session 9 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
Session is prorogated- postponed

June 1547- Session 10 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Paul III
Session is prorogated- postponed

May 1551- Session 11 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Julius III
The council resumes under the rule fo the new Pope.

September 1551- Session 12 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Julius III
Session is prorogated- postponed

October1551- Session 13 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Julius III
Council clarifying and discussing the Eucharist

November 1551- Session 14 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Julius III
Council discusses and clarifies pennance

January 1552- Session 15 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Julius III
Session is prorogated- postponed

April 1552- Session 16 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Julius III
Suspension of the Council

January 1562- Session 17 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
The delegates celebrate the gathering of the Council of Trent

February 1562- Session 18 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Discuss the choice of books used and banned in the Church

May 1562- Session 19 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Session is prorogated- postponed

June 1562- Session 20 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Session is prorogated- postponed

July 1562- Session 21 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Discusses and clarifies communion.

September 1562- Session 22 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Disscusses and clarifies the sacrifice of the Mass

July 1563- Session 23 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Discusses the order of the mass

November 1563- Session 24 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Discusses the sacrament of Marriage

December 1563- Session 25 of Council opens under the rule of Pope Pius IV
Puis VI closes the council.

1563- The pope issues two Papal Bulls on The confirmation of the council and the new rules aboout banned and prohibited books

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